Environmental Awareness Online Training


This Environmental Awareness online training course highlights what action can be taken by your organisation, and by you as an individual, to make a positive impact.

The Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the Environment Act 1995 state that anybody who produces, handles, or disposes of waste must ensure it’s done so safely and properly.

Businesses that do not comply can be given fines or even prison sentences. Therefore, it is essential that all employees understand their responsibilities under current legislation. This online training course gives the user an understanding about the impact that workplaces have on the environment, as well as teaching them how they can reduce their impact on the environment as an individual.

This course is split into three sections.

1. Global

In this section the course provides an overview of how things look on a global level to include balance, climate change, biodiversity, human impact, waste, and global effort.  

There are two questions in this section to ensure that you are understanding the content.

2. Workplace

In this section the course takes a look at how your organisation can improve its relationship with the environment whilst saving money and meeting legal obligations.

The key subjects covered are local regulators, duty of care, liquid waste, workplace carbon emissions, the waste hierarchy, environmental policy, suggested measures and projects and incentives.

There are three questions in this section to ensure that you are understanding the content.

3. Individual

Don’t underestimate the power you have to make a positive difference - the butterfly effect is in full force everytime you walk instead of drive, reuse instead of throw away, cut a few minutes off your shower time, or switch your phone charger off from the wall when you’re not using it!

In this final section the course looks at the little things that make a big difference.

This section ends with a question to ensure that you are understanding the content.


On completion of this training your understanding will have increased of what’s going on out there, your organisation’s Duty of Care, the financial benefits of being energy efficient, and the importance of taking good environmental practice home with you.

The aim of the course is to show you how simple the solution is: less is more.

The course ends with a test and on successful completion of the test a CPD accredited certificate will be available for download.

Course Sections

1. Global
2. Workplace
3. Individual

Discount available for multiple courses. Please contact us for details

Environmental Awareness Online Training
verified_user Business Compliance Training Courses
access_time 45mins currency_pound19+VAT
CPD Certified

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