Social Media Awareness Training


In this online Social Media Awareness training course you will be introduced to what social media is and why it’s such an important part of our personal and professional lives. The course explores the risks and benefits it brings, and the course will cover how you can use it effectively and safely at work.

It's estimated that a whopping 98% of the population uses social media and 80% of social media users regularly browse when they are at work.  This Social Media Awareness training course explores how social media might be used at work and also when it shouldn't be used.

The course is split into two sections.

1. Defining Social Media

This first section covers what social media actually is and the risks and benefits.  Risks include misinformation, cyber-security breaches, cyber-bullying, trolling and addiction.  Benefits include fast and flexible communication, networking, personalised content and relationship building.

A question concludes this section to check you have understood the content.

2. Social Media at Work

This second section looks at workplace policy that establishes what’s acceptable and unacceptable when you’re using social media at work.

This section also includes some really useful tips to help you keep a healthy mental and well-being balance when using social media and how to help keep your social media accounts secure.

Two questions are included in this section to check you have understood the content.


On completion of this course you will have an understanding of what social media is and how to use it safely at home and at work.

Remember, social media is a fantastic tool for you to communicate, share, learn, and progress personally and professionally - as long as you use it wisely.

Be careful not to become complacent and keep your health and online security as a priority at all times.

If you would like to learn more about social media awareness, please see our additional resources that are provided in downloadable PDFs at the end of the course.  These resources offer you a recap on the main points of the course, as well as a list of resources that you can use to explore this subject in greater detail.
The course ends with a test to ensure you have understood the content and a certificate will be available for download on successful completion of the test.

Course Sections

1. Defining Social Media
2. Social Media at Work

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Social Media Awareness Training
verified_user Business Compliance Training Courses
access_time 15mins currency_pound19+VAT
CPD Certified

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